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Educational Music Academy

in cooperation with

EMA Edition e Glance Studios



Workshops with Roberto Cacciapaglia

For those who wish to interpret a song or write a new one and learn the techniques which are at the base of musical communication, culminating in a CD to present to the music industry.

The preparation will be functional to each artistic project; there are no pre-established programs; each program is developed according to each student's needs.

The educational path dedicated to singers, pianists, composers and songwriters, both classical and pop/rock/electronic. It is aimed at those who have experience but wish to perfect and strengthen an existing project but also at those who wish to take their first steps in the world of musical communication.
The aim is to prepare a personal space in which to share ideas, a space where they can be born and grow.

To create profession from passion
and open the doors of music without boundaries.

"in art, in expression, in beauty, there is also the way for freedom."
piano educational music academy

The aim is to give voice to and support those who wish to express themselves through music; help composers and interpreters to achieve their musical goals, works and interpretations in order to present themselves to today's musical world professionally.

The seminars are aimed at anyone who wishes to develop their own artistic project. The educational program is based on what the individual is and wished to obtain. The work is done on each individual's work. There is no pre-established repertoire to study.

Interpreters, composers or songwriters who wish to finalize their own musical project will be supported in every phase of the program, culminating in the final production of a musical piece.

"To enrich our personal space
with the external world and its wonders"

Through the exclusive access to two of the most important digital archives of music -, one of the largest online portals of classical music;, with exclusive Billboard license, the most important online review of international musical charts concerning pop/rock music from the 1950s to today - it will be possible to study the forms and history of Music, from Handel to Hendrix, from Bach to Lennon, up to todays latest musical trends, without concern for genre boundaries and with the aim to achieve personal artistic fulfillment, may it be interpretative or compositional, in order to give the student the fundamentals of knowledge and inspiration which improve his way of working.

"As in a Renaissment shop, to learn art which gives freedom"

The seminars will be held at Glance Studios of Milan. There will be both group activities and individual activities. Most of the activities will be done in the recording studio, in order to give the students a feel of a professional context. The recording studio is the place in which an artistic project is created and completed, with the final project being a digital recording of one's own personal artistic project and a participation statement issued by Educational Music Academy.

At the end of the seminars there will be an analysis of the work done, followed by technical and interpretative advice on how to continue one's musical journey.

How the seminars will work
violino educational music academy
"The atelier of new music"

The seminars will take place in two trimesters of three weekends each (one weekend per month).

First trimester: October - November - December
Second trimester: February - March - April

Saturday - h. 10.30 - 13.30 / 14.30 - 18.30
Sunday - h. 10.00 - 13.30 / 14.30 - 18.00

For those who have to travel far, individual agreements may be possible.


Phase of presentation of each individual's artistic project and their own musical compositions, original or simply interpreted. It is possible to listen to prerecorded works.

Individual evaluation concerning possible improvements and how to proceed with the project in order to develop and perfect it (form, structure, length, interpretation and further details). Individual definition of what to do in the following weeks to prepare for the weekend seminar and for the recording session. Between the weekends, during the homework phase, it will be possible to receive online support for the project, to help clear any doubts concerning any aspect of the work to do.

Preparing for the recording session
"To work with a silent mind.
To contact our inner selves through the vibrations of sound."

Group session on concentration, relaxation and presence.

Study of posture, respiration and balance with the supervision of a physiotherapist.

Evaluation and exchange of ideas concerning the session and indications on how to develop further.

Production and recording of the musical composition with the established instruments

Audio and midi recording of the work done during the month, with particular attention to interpretation.

piano educational music academy
Mixinig and mastering phase

Mixing phase, supported by producer and sound engineers.

Evaluation and discussion of the recorded works with the indication of the direction to follow.

Each student will be presented with the final CD and a statement of accomplishment, indicating the completion of the course.

Possinility of an artistic and editorial contract

Educational Music Academy, EMA Edition and Glance Studio will select the most interesting works which will be presented directly to the most important record labels, producers and editors, offering a production and editorial contract.